Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

This is the Web site of Jacked RaceCards, LLC.
Our Postal Address is: 2309 Irving Ave S., Ste 12, Minneapolis, MN 55405 USA.

We can be reached via e-mail at holland@hollandwood.com. Or stop by anytime to check out what we're working on

Our disclosures and practices are subject to compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

Information Collected

We respect the privacy of children, and do not collect any more personal information than reasonably necessary to enable them to participate in the activities we offer at our Web site.

With respect to our online information collection practices from children under 13 years of age: We collect the following types of personal information directly from children online: e-mail address, first and last name, home or physical address including street name and name of a town, an identifier such as a customer number held in a cookie.

Please note that parents may consent to the above collection and use without necessarily consenting to the disclosure of personal information to third parties.

Use and Sharing of Information

The information we collect from children is used for fulfillment of a requested transaction, for record keeping, for marketing, to enable them to participate in a chat room or bulletin board, and/or to respond to children’s specific requests to participate in activities such as contests or sweepstakes, subscription to an online newsletter, voting in polls or otherwise expressing an opinion and/or to tailor/customize the visitor’s experience at our site.

With respect to sharing information, we share personal information with third parties who use this information in the normal course of their business for mailing lists and retailing. All third parties with whom we share information have agreed to maintain security and integrity of personal information.

We do not have any agreements with outside organizations to collect personal information at our site.

Parental Review

Parents can review the information that we have collected from their children online, prevent the further use or maintenance of such information, or direct the deletion of their children’s personal information by e-mailing or writing to us at the above address.